Harry breaks hearts during steamy Perth set

If the earth moved for you around 9.27pm last night, put it down to a certain Mr Styles and a throwback to his One Direction days. As he belted out What Makes You Beautiful to the general rapture of the 30,000-plus audience at HBF Park on a sultry Perth night in February, those of us who’ve followed Harry since he burst onto our screens in 2010 felt something akin to a frisson of pride. And it was a frisson made physical as a fair proportion of the seated audience suddenly leapt to their feet and danced the night away.

Aw Harry, look at you now, we thought affectionately, as the multi-award winning artist worked his adoring Harries into a frenzy with a knowing look here, a stomp during Satellite there.

Wearing a pair of grey, tight trousers and a T-shirt with a glittery ice-cream sundae catching the stage lights perfectly, we may not have had the pleasure of seeing Harry in a Gucci cat suit but there were no complaints from this row R in East Perth.

Taking to the stage after Isle of Wight band Wet Leg’s vigorous set including saucy hit Chaise Lounge, Harry opened with Music For A Sushi Restaurant and pretty much didn’t let up from that point onwards. This is an artist that makes full use of the real estate his team have created for him, giving fans maximum opportunity to ogle, fantasise and scream their little lungs out.

The crowded pen of superfans who had lined up in 38 degree heat all day to get as close to their beloved as possible were given plenty of close-up contact with Harry as he marched, ran, danced and sang around the walkways which bordered the sweaty, screaming mass of word-perfect guys and gals. One lucky fan threw a silver boa to Harry who promptly put it on, and thereby matched the fashion vibe of about 60% of the crowd.

Later on, he caught a bracelet and wore it with a smile, read out signs and interacted with reluctant fan Scott from Sydney, dragged to the event by his wife, and prompted to do a ‘shoey’, much to the glee of the audience.

This ‘most disgusting tradition’ was then picked up by Harry himself who removed his left Adidas, poured in some water and promptly did a shoey himself. As far as iconic cultural moments go, it’s right up there with – actually it’s not up there with anything because no other nation insists on their heroes supping from footwear. Yay Australia!

Singing from a mix of his back catalogue including current stellar disc Harry’s House and previous albums Fine Line and Harry Styles, there was a lot of love for Sign Of The Times and a beautifully rendered version of Matilda with Harry and two of his excellent musicians standing sentry beside him. The Disco Medley collection of sun-soaked dance hits was a joyful addition to the already euphoric vibe. Highlights included Keep Driving and a big thumbs up to the big screen footage which made it possible to see Harry’s follicles in full HD for those of us in the cheap seats.

Watermelon Sugar was a crowd favourite, with a glittering river of lit-up phones raised aloft whenever he sang ‘high’ – quite a sight

Perhaps the biggest fun vibe of the night though was reserved for a true blue classic which Harry described as ‘catnip’ for Aussies. The familiar bars of Daryl Braithwaite’s The Horses sent the ‘you just had to be there’ thrill levels to the moon on that still Perth night. The whole audience sang along and even Daryl himself rated the version 8 out of 10 according to a radio interview this morning, saying he was really moved by the performance.

Five or so songs as an encore gave those who came to see their hero in all the colours of the rainbow a fitting send off for this most charming of rock stars.

Harry, there really is something about you.

Catch Harry in various venues around Australia until March 4.

Harry Styles Love on Tour 2023 Perth





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